Listen to your heart baby, this app is for

The excitement in his ear by connecting you to the heart of your child!

With the arrival of a new baby is a time of pure excitement, and wonder, doesn't it?

For each beat of the heart, the connection between the mother, the father and son grows stronger.

Now, with the technology that the rest of us, it's possible to listen to the sweet melody of such a heart magic with just a couple of taps on your mobile device.

So, read on to find out the contents and learn about new applications that are secure, that they are winning the hearts of the mothers and fathers are in all over the world.

We're going there?"

Share magical moments with your application


In addition to listening to the beating of the heart, the application offers you the possibility of recording those magical moments in both audio and video. So, to capture each and every beat, every movement, and re-live those moments and exciting, when you want.

These memories of invaluable will make your family photo album extra special, full of unforgettable moments full of love.

Get the app 

Get app to listen to your the heart is a baby-it provides an exciting and significant contribution to the parent during pregnancy. 

A tecnologia permite que os pais acompanhem de perto o desenvolvimento do bebê, estabelecendo uma conexão mais profunda mesmo antes do nascimento.

With the application, you can listen to that song lovely, when you feel comfortable. Then, you close your eyes, feel the magic, and you can make that melody fill your soul with joy and compassion. 

Other features 

Além dessas funcionalidades, os aplicativos para ouvir o coração do bebê permitem: 

To hear the baby's heartbeat builds a bond very special to the parents, and the little being that is developing in the mother's womb. 

Parents to be able to regularly check on the heart rate of the baby, the one that gives peace of mind and comfort in knowing that your child is as well.

To record the sound of your heart baby-in audio and video to create precious memories for the future. These records will become invaluable treasures in a family photo album, which you can share with your baby when he grow up.

The app allows parents to share in the excitement of hearing your baby's heartbeat with your loved ones. 


The FetalBeats is a mobile application that is designed to allow for the fact that the woman will be able to hear the heartbeat of their baby's development. In addition to this, the application is intended to provide parents with a thrilling experience, and the intimate to allow them to escutassem the heartbeat of a baby in the house.

The operation of the FetalBeats involves the use of an external device to capture the sound of the fetal heartbeat. However, it is necessary to have the use of a monitor, fetal doppler, which is a device used for equipment-portable, designed for the experience, and to listen to the heart beat of the baby inside the uterus (womb).

Other apps

  • What to Expect;
  • The Bump;
  • By Baby Center. 

It is important to note that while the app can provide an exciting and enjoyable for the parents as for the pregnancy, and they should not be used as a substitute for the medical care that is appropriate. 

The detection and tracking of the heart rate of the fetus is an activity that must be carried out by skilled health staff, and using medical devices are appropriate.