Conheça muito mais sobre o crochê

Siga as dicas que a gente vai passar por aqui

O crochê é mais uma habilidade que agora você poderá aprender através de aplicativos. 

Além dos apps já mencionados, aqui você conhecerá outros apps, além de aprender outras dicas sobre o crochê.

A técnica do crochê consiste na produção de tecidos com uma agulha e fios de lã, de algodão e até mesmo de seda.

Essa era uma técnica passada de geração em geração, o que fez com que o crochê se tornasse tradicional no Brasil. 

Qualquer pessoa que possua talento artístico e paciência poderá aprender tricô e cada dica é muito útil para ajudá-lo a melhorar e evoluir cada vez mais em relação a essa técnica.

O processo de aprendizado é simples, porém precisa obedecer algumas etapas, existem várias opções de artes e uma infinidade de desenhos para produzir.

Como ganhar dinheiro com crochê?

Você pode lucrar muito ao aprender a técnica do crochê, é possível vender vários tipos de produtos como: presentes, brinquedos infantis, roupas, roupas de cama e muito mais.

All of these products can be easily sold through craft fairs, or even on the internet.

It is the craft fairs that we can find many crochet pieces, and the customers who are looking for those bits and pieces. 

To find out where it is located, this craft fairs, just search for the event online, coming into contact with churches and local schools. 

How it works the app to crochet?

Apps to learn to crochet and they work, too. For some, meant to aid in the production of knitting, the other to present the best inspiration design for the creative arts.

And if you want to learn how to crochet the, for example, you have a quick access to the millions of pieces of information over the internet, and now, with a choice of apps to make it even easier to learn.

They are techniques that are taught through the tutorials in order for you to gain some valuable advice about this ability. 

This skill can be making as a Hobby, or even a great source of income.

Check out the other apps to learn how to crochet

Learning How To Crochet

The app is just Learning to Crochet is one of the app was developed as an extension of the site, expert in crochet.

The web site offers lessons for crocheting, for 14 years, as well as many other types of crafts, and the arts in general.

It is possible to learn how to crochet for free with a variety of techniques and specialties, the characteristics of the crochet.

The app is just learning to crochet is available in to - Android and iOS


The Crochet.The Land is in an application that is created by an expert in crochet and Bruna Scopel, and it has been designed to teach you to crochet the easy way.

In addition to crochet, there are several educational content on all types of art. The app is available for Android and iOS.

Just go to your app store and download the app to Crochet.The Land.

Learn how to make Crochet and sewing amigurumi

In the application you will learn to make the crochet stitch and the amigurumi is a software application available for the android that offers a wide range of content to teach how to do all types of art.

Scarves, hats, crochets and amigurumi skills that are available within the app.

Inside the app, you can learn how to use the techniques, for beginners and a more advanced items, children's clothes, toys, and much, much more.

This application is available only for the Android


The crochet is a complex art, but it can be learned, this app is specific to learning how to crochet.

Some of the apps focus on specific needs, while others offer a variety of tools and educational content are ready to help you learn.

If you're trying to learn a new hobby, or is it really tapping into your full potential as an artist of the fiber, and then try each and every one of these options, and enjoy the fruits of their talents.