Plant apps: discover the best

Maximize your experience: discover the advantages of apps

E aí, amigos da plantação e aventureiros da jardinagem digital, se você perdeu a primeira parte da nossa aventura entre pixels e pétalas, não se preocupe, estamos de volta para mais uma dose de apps verdes.

In the first part, we reveal the secrets of the two apps that turn your phone into a real garden of knowledge.

Mas espera aí, porque a diversão está longe de terminar, dado que, nesta segunda parte, vamos te guiar na jornada de escolher o app perfeito para você e ainda apresentar mais duas joias botânicas do mundo digital.

Preparados para fazer seu celular florescer de alegria com as dicas e os aplicativos mais insanos do mercado digital?

So, hold on to your smart phone, and we're going to continue on this journey through the roots of virtual and reality soon!

Top tips for selecting the perfect application for your mobile phone

We already know what applications are out there to save us, but how do you choose the perfect companion for a journey to botany?

É sobre isso que iremos falar antes de apresentar os famosos aplicativos que irão revolucionar sua experiência com as plantas.

Vem comigo que vou te dar umas dicas preciosas para encontrar o app que vai ser seu parceiro de regas e adubações:

Get to know your plants: If you're a class of your succulent or like a garden, with a selection worthy of the prize, you choose a app that you fit with their species alive.

User experience: Escolha um app com uma interface fácil de usar, botões intuitivos e navegação que te faça sentir como um verdadeiro botânico digital.

Features customizable: Choose one of the app that allows you to customize to your needs, for example set reminders on the water, with advice that is specific to their plant, or share your journey with green's other gardeners.

App 1: - Plant Parent-Guide for the Care – your very own personal trainer from the plants

You know that feeling when you look at your plan and you're like, “does she not want to over water, or are you just bored?”

Relaxa, o Plant Parent está aqui para fazer o trabalho pesado, uma vez que ele é tipo um personal trainer botânico, dando a cada planta o tratamento VIP que merece.

It is a fern that you like the long, sun-bathing, or for a cactus that is in need of irrigation in the style of eye drops, the Plant's Parent, telling you what to do.

And, best of all is to see if you're on team apple and runs to the App Store and the low, that's great.

Now, if your cell phone has the famous Android system, you are not left out, as the app is also available on the app store Google Play Store what you will find on your mobile device.

Application 2: GrowIt: a Guide to Planting, the app that will turn your thumb green

You know, when you look at a seed and it becomes a little lost, not knowing where to start.

With the GrowIt is here to give you a leg up in the world of sets, as it is a how-to guide for the hero is to grow, causing a step-by-step into the garden of your dreams.

Você pode descobrir quais plantas são melhores para o seu clima, quais crescem bem juntas e até compartilhar suas conquistas com outros jardineiros no app.

And, of course, if you're a fan of the apple, go to the Apple Store and download the wizard from the show have been produced.